
Location and Directions

Trinity Event Solutions is located in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Our offices are situated only minutes away from the Tinwell junction on the A1, approximately 15 miles north of Peterborough. The nearest railway station is Stamford.

By car:
From the A1, take the A6121 in the direction of Stamford and Southview Business Centre is the first turning on the right between stone gate posts.

Satellite navigation coordinates: Latitude 52.6446 and Longitude -0.4989.

Satnav postcode: PE9 2JL

Postal & Registered Office Address

Trinity Event Solutions Ltd
6 Southview Business Centre
Tinwell Road
Lincolnshire, PE9 2JL

Company Number: 5896771
VAT Number: 891875952
TIDS Number: 96007796

Telephone: UK +44 (0) 1780 484050

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