Industry news

Delivering Dazzling Destinations for International Events

Finding an international destination for your conference and the logistics of running that event can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

Our events team is dedicated to this specialist area and has in-depth knowledge of venue finding and running conferences and meetings overseas. Our service is quick and easy – we have a consultative approach and will work with you to find the perfect venue for your event. Our team carries out hundreds of site visits every year, so have experience of a wide range of venues and direct relationships with the staff onsite, making the process as smooth as possible.

We will not only provide information about venues, but also background about destinations and their suitability, value for money and logistics. We have a consultative approach and will work with you to find the perfect venue for your event. Venue finding is a free service, as we are supported by hotels and conference venues.

Venue Finding

We have enhanced our venue finding service by appointing an internal champion for key international destinations. This specialist has visited the area and works closely with a number of hotel groups, destination management companies and destination bureau to ensure we know what is new and are constantly updated on developments. Wherever we have a destination champion, we can give first-hand advice about the venues, as well as additional information about the city or region and suitability for your event.

We also attend international exhibitions, forums, workshops and educational events to ensure we keep up to date with the latest developments.

International Event Management

The international events team works closely with our full event management division, and has delivered conferences and meetings throughout the world. As well as providing venue selection we are experienced in running events abroad.

We can also put you in touch with consultants who can help with insurance, VAT reclaim and onsite logistics.

Whether you’re running a large or small event, we understand that it’s the most important thing to you. We’re here to give you the level of support you need and provide you with all the specialist help required to make your event a complete success.

Take a look at an example of our work in this Case Study.

Destination Champions

Trinity has appointed destination specialists for key locations for conferences and meetings.

These Destination Champions have all spent time in the cities and have carried out site inspections of the leading hotels, conference centres, restaurants and unusual venues. They can advise on flight/train access, transfers and logistics and value for money, as well as the suitability of the destination for your event.

Destinations which are covered by the Champions are:

• Amsterdam

• Barcelona

• Berlin

• Brussels

• Budapest

• Cannes

• Cape Town

• Copenhagen

• Dublin

• Dubai

• Frankfurt

• Lisbon

• Madrid

• Malta

• Monaco

• Nice

• Paris

• Prague

• Rome

• Rotterdam

• Stockholm

• The Hague

• Vienna

Get in touch with us today to book your international event.

Delivering Dazzling Destinations for International Events

Talk to an expert on +44 (0)1780 484050 for help with conferences, meetings & events.
There’s no commitment - call or email to find out how we can help.