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Keeping meetings on-time and on-track

In event planning, time is of the essence. Whether it's a small team meeting or a large-scale conference, staying on schedule is crucial to ensure smooth operations and maintain the professionalism your clients expect. At Trinity Event Solutions, we’ve learned a thing or two about keeping meetings on-time and on-track, and we’re here to share some insider tips that will help you make the most of every minute.

Set a clear agenda and stick to It

A well-defined agenda is the backbone of any successful meeting. Share the agenda with all participants in advance, outlining the key topics, the time allocated for each, and the desired outcomes. This helps everyone stay focused and ensures that the meeting has a clear direction. Be firm about sticking to the agenda—if a topic starts to drift, gently steer it back on course or note it for future discussion.

Start on time, end on time

Punctuality sets the tone for the entire meeting. Start at the scheduled time, even if some participants are running late. This not only shows respect for those who arrived on time but also discourages tardiness in the future. Similarly, ending on time is just as important. If you find that you’re running behind schedule, identify which items can be tabled for later discussion or handled outside the meeting.

Appoint a timekeeper

Designate a timekeeper who is responsible for monitoring the clock and keeping everyone on track. This person should be empowered to give gentle reminders when a discussion is nearing its time limit. A timekeeper ensures that no single topic monopolises the conversation, allowing for a balanced discussion of all agenda items.

Use technology for efficiency

Utilise technology to streamline your meetings. Tools like timers, shared digital agendas, and collaborative platforms can help keep things moving efficiently. For virtual meetings, consider using features like breakout rooms for smaller discussions or polls to quickly gather input from participants.

Limit the number of participants

The more people in a meeting, the more likely it is to go off-track. Carefully consider who really needs to be present and limit the invite list to those essential to the discussion. Smaller groups tend to be more focused and can make decisions more quickly.

Encourage pre-meeting preparation

Ensure participants come prepared by sending materials and expectations in advance. If everyone is on the same page before the meeting starts, there’s less need for lengthy explanations or clarifications during the meeting itself. Encourage participants to review documents, brainstorm ideas, or gather data beforehand to facilitate a more productive discussion.

Control the conversation

It’s the meeting facilitator’s responsibility to control the flow of the conversation. While it’s important to allow for discussion, they should be mindful of tangents or off-topic remarks. Politely but firmly redirect the conversation back to the agenda if it starts to veer off course.

Implement a “parking space”

A “parking space” is a tool used to capture important but off-topic ideas that arise during a meeting. These items are noted and set aside to be addressed at a later time, either in a follow-up meeting or through another appropriate channel. This technique allows you to acknowledge contributions without derailing the meeting.

Review and recap

Leave a few minutes at the end of the meeting to review what was discussed, confirm action items, and set deadlines. This recap helps solidify the meeting’s outcomes and ensures that everyone knows what is expected moving forward. It also provides an opportunity to clarify any remaining questions or concerns.


Finally, a well-timed follow-up email summarising the meeting’s key points, decisions made, and action items can reinforce what was discussed and keep everyone accountable. This also serves as a record for anyone who was unable to attend.

Running a meeting that stays on-time and on-track is an art that requires preparation, discipline, and effective communication. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your meetings are not only productive but also a valuable use of everyone’s time. As an events agency, we understand the importance of precision and efficiency, and we’re confident that these tips will help you conduct meetings that are as organized and successful as the events we plan.

Keeping meetings on-time and on-track

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